Subject-verb agreement is a fundamental rule of grammar that dictates how verbs must agree in number with their subjects. In simpler terms, it means that the verb must change according to the number of the subject it refers to.

To understand this concept, let us look at some examples:

– The dog barks at the mailman (singular subject and verb)

– The dogs bark at the mailman (plural subject and verb)

In the first example, “dog” is the singular subject, and “barks” is the singular verb that agrees with it in number. In the second example, “dogs” is the plural subject, and “bark” is the plural verb that agrees with it.

However, subject-verb agreement can become a bit more complex when the subject and verb are separated by other words, such as phrases or clauses. In such cases, it is important to identify the subject and the verb and ensure that they agree in number.

Let us see some examples of subject-verb agreement with complex sentences:

– The book that I read last night was fascinating (singular subject and verb)

– The books that I read last night were fascinating (plural subject and verb)

In the first example, “book” is the singular subject, and “was” is the singular verb that agrees with it in number. In the second example, “books” is the plural subject, and “were” is the plural verb that agrees with it.

Similarly, subject-verb agreement is also crucial when dealing with collective nouns, which refer to groups of people or things. Collective nouns can be either singular or plural, depending on the context and the writer`s intention.

Let us take a look at some examples of subject-verb agreement with collective nouns:

– The team is playing well this season (singular subject and verb)

– The staff are attending a meeting (plural subject and verb)

In the first example, “team” is a collective noun treated as a singular entity, and “is” is the singular verb that agrees with it. In the second example, “staff” is a collective noun treated as a group of individuals, and “are” is the plural verb that agrees with it.

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is a crucial rule of grammar that every writer must master to communicate effectively. Whether dealing with simple or complex sentences, or collective nouns, it is essential to identify the subject and the verb and ensure that they agree in number. By following these rules, you can produce error-free writing that readers can easily comprehend and enjoy.