If your business requires federal contracts or grants, you must be familiar with the General Services Administration (GSA) and the GSA security agreement. The GSA is a federal agency responsible for managing government property and providing procurement services. To do business with the government, you need to comply with their regulations, including signing the GSA security agreement.

What is the GSA Security Agreement?

The GSA security agreement is a legal document that outlines the security requirements for accessing and handling sensitive government information. If your business handles or stores sensitive information, such as classified documents, personal identification information (PII), or controlled unclassified information (CUI), you will need to sign the GSA security agreement.

The agreement highlights the importance of protecting sensitive information and outlines the steps that businesses must take to ensure compliance. It covers areas such as access control, data protection, and incident reporting. The agreement also requires businesses to appoint a security point of contact (SPOC) responsible for ensuring compliance with security requirements.

Why is the GSA Security Agreement Important?

The GSA security agreement is essential for businesses that want to do business with the government. It ensures that businesses that handle sensitive information are held to a high standard of security and helps prevent information breaches that could jeopardize national security.

Additionally, signing the GSA security agreement shows that your business takes security seriously and is committed to protecting sensitive information. It is also a requirement for obtaining certain contracts or grants, so failure to comply could result in missed opportunities.

How to Comply with the GSA Security Agreement

To comply with the GSA security agreement, businesses must follow strict security protocols. This includes implementing access control measures to limit access to sensitive information, encrypting data to protect it from theft or interception, and establishing procedures for reporting security incidents.

Businesses must also perform regular risk assessments to identify potential security threats and take steps to mitigate those risks. This includes providing security awareness training for employees and contractors who handle sensitive information.


The GSA security agreement is a critical document for businesses that want to do business with the government. It outlines strict security requirements for accessing and handling sensitive information and ensures that businesses are held to a high standard of security. Failure to comply with the agreement could result in missed opportunities or even legal repercussions. By taking the necessary steps to comply with the GSA security agreement, your business can ensure the safety and security of sensitive government information.